
Friday, October 19, 2012

Using WHILE in simple past tense

1. Ibuku sedang memasak sementara ayahku sedang bekerja
2. Kami sedang belajar sementara mereka sedang bermain
3. Mila sedang bernyanyi sementara Inun dan Fica sedang menari
Translate the expression above into English well.
The result of English translation from TEC today.


  1. 1. My mother was cooking while my father was working
    2. We were studying while they were playing
    3. Mila was singing while Inun and Fica were dancing

  2. 1. My mother was cooking while my father was working
    2. We were studying while they were playing
    3. Mila was singing while Inun and Fica were dancing

  3. 1. My mother was cooking while my father was working
    2. We were studying while they were playing
    3. Mila was singing while Inun and Fica were dancing
