
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Galunggung mountain

Gunung Galunggung adalah salah satu gunung api aktif. Gunung ini telah meletus beberapa kali. Pertama, Gunung Galunggung meletus pada tahun 1998. Seratus desa hancur oleh letusan ini. Banyak orang dievakuasi untuk menghindari bencana.
Translate the expression above into English well.
The result of English translation from TEC today.
Mount Galunggung is one active volcano. It has erupted several times. First, Mount Galunggung erupted in 1998. Hundred of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people were evacuated to avoid the calamity.


  1. Mount Galunggung is one active volcano. It has erupted several times. First, Mount Galunggung erupted in 1998. Hundred of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people were evacuated to avoid the calamity.

  2. Mount Galunggung is one active volcano. It has erupted several times. First, Mount Galunggung erupted in 1998. Hundred of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people were evacuated to avoid the calamity.

  3. Mount Galunggung is one active volcano. It has erupted several times. First, Mount Galunggung erupted in 1998. Hundred of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people were evacuated to avoid the calamity.

  4. The result of English translation from TEC today.
    Mount Galunggung is one active volcano. It has erupted several times. First, Mount Galunggung erupted in 1998. Hundred of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people were evacuated to avoid the calamity.
